Metaphorical Jail Cells

At the ripe old age of 53, I’m seeing my own various “jail cells” break down, come apart, and disappear. I’m finding freedom in new ways. It didn’t come easy. 

When I was a young adult – in my early 20s – I attempted getting help through counseling. It lasted maybe three sessions, before I dropped it. 
But I remember one thing about it. 
I remember trying to explain to the counselor what was going on in my head, but having trouble forming the words. 
So I drew a picture one night, to show to the counselor.
I remember it well. It was the view from inside a jail cell. I drew my arms and my hands, holding on to a row of the bars to a jail cell. I drew about seven bars, and on each one, wrote a word. Each word was the label I gave to each problem in my mind. Put together, each problem formed a jail cell. A prison of the mind. I brought this sketch with me the next time I saw the counselor, and it greatly helped. That was how I was able to speak. 

Freedom is available to us all, from whatever mental prison, or jail cell, has formed in the mind, keeping us a prisoner, holding us hostage. 

I became a Christian as a teenager, in 1987, and my journey through the years has been difficult, the bars to the “jail cell” being impossible to break, until I finally called upon the name of the Lord. When I finally found deliverance through Jesus, the bars came loose and gave way.

I had to be broken, and come to the end of my self.

That’s when He began to take down the bars.

I am no longer a “prisoner”. I’m free. But I am a slave to Him, and in His service, I must tell others of the freedom that He offers.

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
John 8:36

Photo by Jimmy Chan on